Thank you for visiting the new website my good friend, Adam Lien, and I have been working on diligently for the last couple of months. For me, it’s more or less a rite of last passage. It’s been a long and very strange life immersed deeply in the love of music and the guitar. I never made a lot of money at it, had some huge, crushing disappointments, but sure got to meet and make wonderful music with a large number of great musicians.
I retired from my audio position at NDSU in the fall of 2018--failing health issues have just been insurmountable--and this new site is an attempt to chronicle as much of my life’s recorded musical output as possible in these final years. Please enjoy and contact me directly with questions and for information.
B.M. (1988) Moorhead State University (Minnesota)
M.A. (1994) Moorhead State University (Minnesota)
MSU is now known as MSUM - Minnesota State University Moorhead
There are basically three large categories of musical experience documented here:
1) 1967 - 1983
1983 - 1995
2) 1984 - 2020
3) 1995 - 2011
My years as a progressive rock musician in the bands, WhiteWing, Asia,
and Solomon Kane (w/ demo material presented here for the first time).
My years teaching electric guitar at Moorhead State University in Moorhead, Minnesota, including many of the NDPBS video shows the Faculty Rock Trio and I did there.
My years of studying, performing, and teaching classical guitar at Moorhead State, Concordia College, and North Dakota State University.
My years of producing recordings for Barking Dog Records and Raptor Studios
(including most of my classical guitar projects), and acting as principal sound engineer for organizations like the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Orchestra.
--My passion for audio production grew out of a natural urge to more fully control my own recorded materials, but this quickly spread to many, many musical genres.--

I understand that the diversity of material here is extreme, but I can assure the reader that work in the assorted areas was equally concentrated and intense. My classical guitar instructor at the University of Minnesota once commented that he had never heard a guitarist that could play both classical guitar and rock music so convincingly. Most musicians will find something of interest/curiosity here.
The one common denominator to all these seemingly disparate elements was my initial (i.e., naive!) philosophical concept that great rock music was the natural evolution of 19th/20th c. classical music. And, more fundamentally, that music is the most direct conduit to The Divine.