Classical Guitar Scores
The following section represents all the classical guitar scores I prepared for my students and myself in the years I taught at the three Fargo-Moorhead Universities. Many are still works in progress. I taught everything from beginning classical to graduate level concert classical guitar.
Over the years my students were privileged to do masterclasses with some truly top tier artists. That list includes Christopher Parkening, Berta Rojas, Phillip Rukavina, Sharon Isbin, Charlie Byrd, and Adam Holzman.
Please contact me directly for score availability and inquiries.
Solo Guitar
Aguado, Dionisio #1
Aguado, Dionisio #2
Aguado, Dionisio #3
Aguado, Dionisio #4
Aguado, Dionisio #5
Aguado, Dionisio #6
Aguado, Dionisio #7
Aguado, Dionisio #8
Almeida, Laurindo
Almeida, Laurindo
Almeida, Laurindo
Almeida, Laurindo
Almeida, Laurindo
Almeida, Laurindo
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Bach, J. S.
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Besard, Jean Baptiste
The Beatles
Byrd, William Pavan
Carcassi, Matteo
Carcassi, Matteo
Carcassi, Matteo
Carcassi, Matteo
Carulli, Ferdinando
Carulli, Ferdinando
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chopin, Frederic
Coste, Napolean
Crespo, Jorge Gomez
Dodgson, Stephen
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Fuhrmann, Georg
Giuliani, Mauro
Granados, Enrique
Granados, Enrique
Lauro, Antonio
Lauro, Antonio
Lauro, Antonio
Laurent, Leo
Llobet, Miguel
McGuire, James
McGuire, James
Milán, Luis
Milán, Luis
Mudarra, Alonso
Mudarra, Alonso
Murcia, Santiago de
Murcia, Santiago de
Narvaez, Luys, de
Ponce, Manuel
Ponce, Manuel
Ponce, Manuel
Ponce, Manuel
Ponce, Manuel (A. Scarlatti)
Sanz, Gaspar
Sanz, Gaspar
Satie, Erik
Scarlatti, Domenico
Schumann, Robert
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Sor, Fernando
Tansman, Alexandre
Tansman, Alexandre
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco/Alard, Delphin
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco
Tárrega, Francisco/Domas, Tomás
Tárrega, Francisco
Torroba, Federico Moreno
Valderrábano, Enrique de
Visée, Robert de
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Weyrauch, Ludwig
from “Eight Lessons”
from “Eight Lessons”
from “Eight Lessons”
from “Eight Lessons”
from “Eight Lessons”
from “Eight Lessons”
from “Eight Lessons”
from “Eight Lessons”
“English Air”
“English Air” w/ tab
“The One Minute Divertimento”
“Pavana for Pancho”
“When Night Falls”
“Spanish Romance”
II. Allemande from Lute Suite No. I, BWV 996
IV. Sarabande from Lute Suite No. I, BWV 996
V. Bourrée from Lute Suite No. I, BWV 996
Gavotte from Gavotte en Rondeau from Lute Suite No. IV, BWV 1006a
“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” (10th movement) from Cantata, BWV 147
Little Prelude in C minor, BWV 999
Little Prelude in C minor, BWV 999 study guide
Minuet in G major No. 4, BWV anh. 114
Minuet in G minor No. 5, BWV anh. 115
Praeludium (in C) from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 846
Praeludium (in C) from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 846 w/ study guide
I. Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007
Sarabande from Partita in B minor for violin, BWV 1002
I. Sonata Quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, No. 2 (The “Moonlight “ Sonata)
Branle Gay w/ tab
“Blackbird” (McCartney) w/ tab, arr. M. Coates
(“The Earle of Salisbury”)
#3 Andantino from 25 Melodic and Progressive Studies, Op. 60
Method Part I, Op. 59
Method Part II, Op. 59
Method Part III, Op. 59
E minor Waltz w/ tab
A major Waltz w/ tab
“Vaghe bélleze et biónde tréccie d’oro Vedi ché per te moro”
No. 1 from “Six Pieces of the Renaissance” (No. 17)
“Bianco fiore” (Cesare Negri - “Trattato Terzo” from Nuove Inventioni di Balli)
No. 2 from “Six Pieces of the Renaissance”
No. 3 from “Six Pieces of the Renaissance” (No. 93)
No. 4 from “Six Pieces of the Renaissance” (No. 99)
“Se io m’accorgo ben mio d’un altro amante”
No. 5 from “Six Pieces of the Renaissance” (No. 2)
“Italiana” (Saltarello)
No. 6 from “Six Pieces of the Renaissance” (No. 59)
“I. Gagliarda di un Ballo tedesco”
No. 1 from “The Argenziano Suite” (No. 46)
“II. Corrente francese”
No. 2 from “The Argenziano Suite” (No. 47)
“III. Danza”
No. 3 from “The Argenziano Suite” (No. 18)
“IV. Salterello del Groppo
No. 4 from “The Argenziano Suite” (No. 26)
Prelude in A, Op. 28, No. 7, trans. M. Coates
Barcarolle from 14 pieces, No. 1, Op. 51
Preludium from Studies for Guitar Book I
I. Air from Air and Gigue
Air (“As I went to Walsingham”)
Galliard (“Queen Elizabeth her Galliard”)
“Mr. Dowland’s Midnight” w/ original tab
Tanz w/ tab
Variations on a Theme of G. F. Handel, Op. 107 (“The Harmonius Blacksmith”)
“Dedicatoria” from Stories of the Young, Op. 1
Danza Espanol No. 5 (Spanish Dance No. 5 - Playera)
“Maria Luisa” (Valse Venezolano)
I. Registro (Preludio) from Suite Venezolano
Vals Venelolano No. 3
“El Noy de la Mare”
Prelude from Suite No. 2 in popular style
Prelude from Suite No. 2 in popular style w/ tab
Canzonette from “Songs Without Words,” Op. 19, No. 6)
Pavana VI from “El Maestro”
Pavana VI w/ original tab
Fantasîa X
Allegro (from Prelude and Allegro)
Prelude (from Prelude and Allegro)
“Guardame las vacas” Diferencias sobre
“Estrellita” (Little Star)
Cancion Popular Gallega (El Noy de la Mare)
Cancion Popular Gallega (El Noy de la Mare) - original
II. “Por ti mi Corazon” from 3 Popular Mexican Pieces
Gymnopédie No. 1
Sonata L. 352, K.11
Romance (excerpt from Novelletten 4 Vol. IV), trans. M. Coates
Variations on a theme from The Magic Flute, Op. 9 introduction
Variations on a theme from The Magic Flute, Op. 9
Study No. 1 (Segovia), Op. 6, No. 8
Study No. 2 (Segovia), Op. 35, No. 13
Study No. 3 (Segovia), Op. 6, No. 2
Study No. 4 (Segovia), Op. 6, No. 1
Study No. 5 (Segovia), Op. 35, No. 22
Study No. 6 (Segovia), Op. 35, No. 17
Leçon VII from 24 Progressive Lessons, Op. 31
Alla Polacca from Three Pieces for Guitar
IV Barcarole from Cavatina Suite
“Adelita” (Mazurka)
Estudio Brilliante (Violin Study No. 2 in A)
“Endecha” & “Oremus”
Estudio en Forma de Minuetto
Grand Valse
“Lágrima” (Preludio)
“Maria” (Gavota)
“Marieta” (Mazurka)
Mazurca en Sol (Mazurka in G)
Preludio Número 1
Preludio Número 2
Preludio No. 5
Preludio No. 6
Preludes No. 8 & 9
Preludes No. 10, 11, & 12
Preludes No. 15 & 24
Preludes S.E.M. No. 10 & 13
“Rosita” (Polka)
“Recuerdos de la Alhambra”
Sonnet from Silva de Sirenas
“Chôros” (Typico)
Etude No. 1 from 12 Estudos pour Guitare
Prélude No. 1 (A Mindinha)
Prélude No. 2 (A Mindinha)
Prélude No. 4 (A Mindinha)
“Nach Osten Geht Nach Osten”
Guitar Duos
anonymous (Ren.)
anonymous (Ren.)
anonymous (Ren.)
anonymous (18th c.)
Bach, J. S.
Carulli, Ferdinando
Carulli, Ferdinando
Carulli, Ferdinando
Couineau, Patrice
Debussy, Claude
Ferrer, José
Granados, Enrique
Meyers, Stanley
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Ponce, Manuel
Robinson, Thomas
Scriabin, Alexander
Scriabin, Alexander
Sor, Fernando
Visée, Robert de
Drewrie”s Accordes from the Jane Pickering lute book w/ parts
La Rossignol (The Nightingale) from the Jane Pickering lute book
Lesson for Two Lutes
Preludio from Preludio y Fuga XII, The Well Tempered Clavier, Vol 2
Duet in G for two guitars
Sérénade I, Op. 96 w/ parts
II from Six Petits Duos, Op. 34 w/ parts
Chassé Croisé
Clair de Lune w/ parts
Terpsichore, Op. 45
La Maja De Goya (Tonadilla) w/ parts
Cavatina from The Deerhunter
Rondo Alla Turca from Piano Sonata No. 11, K. 331
Scherzino Maya
Toy for Two Lutes from The Schoole of Musicke
Prelude No. 9, Op. 11
Prelude No. 17, Op. 11
L’encouragement (ntroduction), Op. 34 w/ parts
Gavotte Rondeau
Guitar & Voice
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Falla, Manuel
Strozzi, Barbara
Nuñez, Francisco J.
Nuñez, Francisco J.
VIII. Burst Forth My Tears (B minor) from the “First Booke of Songes or Ayres”
XVII. Come Again! (original - G major) from the “First Booke of Songes or Ayres”
II. Flow My Tears (original - A minor) from the “Second Booke of Songes or Ayres”
II. Flow My Tears (D minor) from the “Second Booke of Songes or Ayres”
XVIII. His golden locks (A major) from the “First Booke of Songes or Ayres”
IV. If My Complaints Could Passions Move (original - E minor) from the “First Booke of Songes”
IV. If My Complaints Could Passions Move (A minor) from the “First Booke of Songes or Ayres”
II. Time Stands Still (original - E major) from the “Third and Last Booke of Songes or Ayres”
II. Who ever thinks or hopes of love (original - G major) from the “First Booke of Songes or Ayres”
II. Who ever thinks (G major ) from the “First Booke of Songes or Ayres” -- fingered
II. Who ever thinks (A major) from the “First Booke of Songes or Ayres”
2. Seguidilla Murciana from Seven Popular Songs
L’Astratto IV. ARIA from Op. 8
(three versions--different levels of difficulty)
Crióme Mi Madre from “Four Spanish Lullabies”
Crióme Mi Madre (guitar)
Debussy, Claude
Debussy, Claude
Falla, Manuel de
Ibert, Jacques
Ravel, Maurice
Schubert, Franz
Stern, Andrea
Warlock, Peter
Guitar & Flute
The Little Shepherd (Le Petit Berger)
The Little Negro (Le Petit Negre) w/ parts
La Vide Breve (Première Danse Espagnole)
Entr’acte w/ parts
Piéce en forme de habanera
I. “Arpeggione” in A minor, D. 821 - guitar only
II. “Arpeggione” in A minor, D. 821 - guitar only
III. “Arpeggione” in A minor, D. 821 - guitar only
Guitar & Violin
Finney, Ross Lee
Kreisler, Fritz
Riley, Terry
Sarasate, Pable de
1. Rosin the Bow
2. Rye Whiskey
3. Wayfaring Stranger
4. Cotton Eye Joe
5. Rippytoe Ray
6. The Nightingale
7. Oh, Lovely Appearance of Death
8. Candy GIrl w/ parts
Marche miniature viennoise
Cantos Desiertos (guitar only)
I. Francesco en Paraiso
II. Cancion Desiereto
IV. Llanto
V. Tango Ladeado
Romanza Andaluza, Op. 22, No. 1